Sunday 23 March 2014

India's Growth Scenerio

The former President of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam has given a Dream to the Nation. With his study he predicts that India will become a world Superpower by 2020. This dream will come true if Every Indian try for it. Actually it will not be a new thing for India to be (socially, politically, culturally and economically) a Superpower. It was 5000 years ago when Indian Civilization was at it's zenith, the other contemporary civilizations were at rudimentary state. By the 18th century, the flourishing Indian civilizion was thrown much behind it's contemporary civilisations owing to hundreads of external invasions. Somehow in the same century the britishers's established their rule in this Golden land and winds of modernisations started blowing. But this does not mean that the British rule was set to free Iindia from it's medieval feudalism (saranjamshahi) system. Britishers came to India because their ancestors had told them about this developed nation in the east. It can be concluded that the wealth exploited from the India, laid the foundation stone for the industrial development in England.

During their 200 year's of rule, the Britishers exploited India economically. Hence on the eve  of independence India was facing problems like hunger, illiteracy,  inflation, slowly expanding economy. But India gave shock to Europe and America with it's development in past few decades. They were even doubtful about India's political future as a parliamentary democracy. But the Indian land have the quality of reestablishment and hence it's children earn respect. Facing all the problems India could get a robust position in the modern geopolitics.

In the past decade, India could achieve second rank in terms of growth rate, after China. But a large portion of population is still away from the development programme. Only some particular sectors are affected by this development mechanism. This gives rise to economic inequality, which in turns goes on increasing. To tackel these inequality India desperately want some steps towards continuous improvements.

To understand how India could become a world superpiwer by 2020?, it is necessary to study India's development since independence. For that we need to trace India's development in various sectors like agriculture, science and technology, energy resources, industry etc. Besides it is also important to study separately the develpoment in defence, space research, information technology, communication. India, the country which once used to be hungry, today can feed its 1.2 billion population. We produce everything  indigenously, from a niddle to a supersonic missile. A number of small and poor nations worldwide see towards India with great respect and towards India's development with curiosity. Not only this but the developed nation are also seeing India as a power. If we all Indians work hard together then it will be easy to achieve the dream of a Developed India!

Lets start dreaming of a Develop and Powerful India!!

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